This is the Air Hump from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This one is the first in the series to strengthen your back. If you find it pretty easy just keep at it so you can strengthen your back for the next step in the series.
Connect The Dots With Writing
I have found a new tool to help me solve all my problems. It is called writing. Well, I guess it is not that new. I have started writing down ideas to help me better understand what I really think of them and what my stance really is. Then I take those ideas and try…
Workout at Home-Frog Leg Raises for abs
This is the Frog Leg Raise For Abs from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). The goal here is to keep your legs as straight as possible. Watching the video you may notice I need to work on my flexibility. This is the ab exercise I am trying to get the prescribed number of reps…
The Great Escape
Over the past few years I have lacked of fulfillment in my life. I have tried many projects that help a little but nothing that has really set me off. I am a problem solver and I decided to attack my lack of fulfillment at the root of the problem. I wrote down, to the…
Workout at Home-45 Degree Bent Leg Raises For Abs
This is 45 Degree Bent Leg Raises For Abs from the convict conditioning workout program. This one is a little harder then the bent leg raises I displayed last time because the angle of the legs makes it harder.
Create a Pivot Point
I am one of those people who fills his time doing “chores” and not a whole lot of life changing activities; be it starting a business or adding more joy to my life. I do this because I rarely plan anything worthwhile and it leaves me bored with life. This is something I have struggled…
Workout at Home-Bent Knee Ab Raises
This is Bent Knee Ab Raises from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This one is pretty easy but it is good to practice it before moving to the harder exercises.
The Case For Older Generations Using Social Media
I have have come to the conclusion that we need to convince our older friends and family to use social media. Toward the end of The Amazing Spiderman Peter was listening to a voicemail from his uncle who had passed away. That reminded me of a friend of mine who’s sister had passed away. I helped…
Workout at Home-Scissor Abs
This is scissor abs from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This one is just the beginning of the ab workout series. Take time to master it before moving on. Also, you can do it on a chair, stair, or anywhere with a ledge.
How I (try) and Stay Happy
It is not always obvious how to be happy but I don’t think worrying about it all the time is not how to get there. Plus, what makes me happy does not make you happy. Where you end up in life is made up of thousands of little actions making it your own path. Be…
Hating Work is Not a New Problem
Recently I had a discussion with my friends about the “new” problem of people hating their work. The question which was raised was “have we grown soft or is hating work a new problem? Through our discussion I now believe that people have always wanted more contentment in their work. Think about it, nothing in…
Workout at Home-Inverted Half Pushups
This is the inverted half pushup from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This is the shoulder move I am stuck on. I am trying to get 2 sets of twenty and I have a lot to go. But man it is awesome for my shoulders and arms. And just look at those quads.
Unhappy Trying to be Happy
I wanted to dig into the subject of striving for a goal verses being happy with what you have. I have touched on this topic in the past but I want to expand on it a bit more. This is a balance is difficult and different for everyone. Ron Morriss used to say that a lot of…
Workout at Home-Hand Stand
This is the Hand Stand from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This one gave me a lot of trouble. I had to try for weeks to get all the way up to 2 minutes. My arms would start shaking like crazy and I got worried they would give out and I would smash…
How My Actions Effect Others
I am going to make this a short post since I burned out a little working on the soccer site project. The one week project finally ended after 6 weeks. Lately I have been thinking about how my actions can possibly negatively effect others. I feel pretty confident how my actions effect others when…
Workout at Home-Crow Stands
This is the Crow Stand from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This really worked my shoulders. After about 2 minutes my arms really started shaking.
Lessons Learned While Working With a Website Developer
I have been working with a developer over the last few weeks building a site which will be used to connect indoor soccer players to teams who need players. I have learned quite a few things about working with a developer through my frustrations during this project. Prior to this project I had some experience…
Workout at Home-Head Stand
This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This is the first step toward the one hand inverted pushup. This is where you begin building up those ligaments and get used to being upside down. Don’t skip it.
Don’t Be Me, Be You
I get the feeling that some people compare themselves to me especially when it comes to health and exercise. I am very regimented in the way I approach eating and exercise and it sometimes seems that others observe this and feel bad for not being this way. I believe this stems from media constantly…
Workout at Home- Horizontal Pullups
This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). Be sure you keep your body straight on this one. I am using the kitchen table here but I eventually purchased a pair of pullup rings which I hooked from a beam in my basement. I figured my wife would would get upset at this considering all…