Placing your Insecurities on Others

If someone has achieved something then they have the right to happy about what they have achieved. For example, Ron Morris ( was talking about his overcoming cancer. He mentioned that it was sheer will, he was just happy that he made it through insurmountable odds and he has more years to share his wisdom…

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Goals 2010

For the last couple of years I have set my goals for the upcoming year at about this time (I stole this from Dan Miller). Something I realized last night when I reviewing my goals for this year and making the ones for next is that I am growing. A year ago I was pretty…

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Expand Your World

I recently received a comment on one of my previous posts which an individual shared some differing opinions on the education system. I really appreciated these comments because it helped to expand my world view. This lesson is important to everyone who wishes to be successful. You need to surround yourself with people that do…

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Our Education System Sucks

Here is another letter I wrote, this time about our education system. I was listening to your Thursday show and one of the professors mentioned that the Secretary of Education believes that we need to start going to school longer. I believe that is a load of bull. I think we need to start actually…

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Technology and The Primitive Mind

There was a time in our history where we had to be aware of every noise and sight for survival. If we ignored these we could be a meal for some animal. Today we do not have to worry about this, but our minds are still trained to easily be distracted. For us to learn…

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Letter to the American Entrepreneur

Here is another letter to The American Entrepreneur Ron Morris answering his blog here When I was in second grade I was a bit of a class clown and my parents were repeatedly called in to discuss my behavior. At one point the teacher said that I would not get in so much trouble if…

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Here is another post to Ron Morris’s (The American Entrepreneur) Blog

I should be done with these posts on Ron’s blog soon. Here is a link the blog I am referencing : Ron, Good article but I have a couple of frustrations with all of the so called “experts” and complexity. Even though I am learning sales I still have the engineering background. This background…

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Another Answer to The American Entrepreneur

Here is one of the comments to Ron Morris of The American Entrepreneur radio show Please visit his website. Here is his article which I commented on I do agree with what you are saying but I believe that because of our societal weakness we believe that we are helpless to do anything about this…

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Answer to Ron Morris’s Blog (The American Entrepreneur)

Here is one of the comments to Ron Morris of The American Entrepreneur radio show Please visit his website. Here is his article which I commented on Dear Ron Morris, Thank you for the encouragement about this maverick in hall monitor’s clothing. I have listened to you for as far I can download the podcast…

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Okay everybody.  I have dropped the ball lately in creating these blogs so I have a plan to get more completed.  I am very insecure about my writing so I tend to spend  a lot of time reviewing and rewriting.  I am going to cut back on the reviewing so I can keep sharing and…

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I was not simplifying my life

Lately I have been creating different blogs through wordpress trying to drive traffic and create many places to get specific information.  Then I realized I am overcomplicating my life by trying to keep up with all of these web logs.  To eliminate this problem I have transfered the few articles from those other blogs to…

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How Important Is Your Time

In the business I am in I get very frustrated at people that do not show up for appointments that they agree to. The individuals do not even have the courtesy to cancel the meeting; they just do not show up. I understand this is just part of selling but it is such a time…

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In the near future I am going to be making additions to this blog. One of the additions is going to be all of the books that I have read that I believe will help you grow as a person or a business owner. Next I am going to create a blog of business ideas…

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Know Thy Self

There are many businesses that you can start to a millionaire. The trick to finding the right business is to look at who you are. You need understand your passions and abilities. This step is not easy. The part of you that you are looking for may have been repressed because you thought that you…

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From Disaster Comes Prosperity

When I was in college I studied the Hindu religion for a short period of time. In their belief system they have more than one god. One of their gods is related to destruction and her name is Shiva. They do not view this god as evil but just a part of life. They believe…

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The Future

It is the beginning of a new year.Soon we will have a new president and the stock market seems like it may be close to the bottom.Now we can all breathe easily because things are going to be better.Well, I am sorry to break it to you but if you have made bad decisions in…

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Service Economy

I have missed plenty of blogs lately, but the move is finally complete and my new job is going well. The position I have taken is something I have to learn and grow into so it is new and exciting. Plus it will help me to develop a new set of skills which will help…

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The Lucky Ones

Recently, my time has been filled with job searching and coordinating my move back home.This was very time consuming and took focus away from developing my business and my blog.My transition is winding down and should end in about 2 weeks.Then I will be able to devote more energy to my blog.This leads me into…

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Self Reliance

In the process of growing up there is some pain related to learning. An example would be riding a bike. Part of learning how to ride a bike is learning how to avoid wrecks. After you had your first bicycle wreck I bet you made every effort to avoid another wreck. This is because you…

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