I need help with Socalism

Here are my thoughts on capitalism: First, to be honest I have not studied capitalism so I do not know the strict definition but I believe my thoughts align with the philosophy, please correct me if I am wrong. First I believe that capitalism most closely mirrors nature (survival of the fittest) and the concept…

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The Democratic Idea Virus

Recently the United States has decided to allow some trade with Cuba. I know this scares many people especially individuals who have life experience with Communism. I am in the process of reading a book called The Idea Virus By Seth Godin. Seth is an unconventional marketer and has written books dealing with how people work…

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What Do You Want?

This week has been a very busy week for me so I do not have much of a post for you. So for this week I would like to know what my readers want to know. This blog if for you so I need to know what you want so I can give it to…

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