When Do Start From Scratch?

Do we continiously improve or do we blow it up and start over? When does continuous improvement add layers of bureaucracy, bloat, or myopic improvements?

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Calm Critical Work Manifesto

Below is a listing of principles collected and developed while determining the best methods for low-stress, impactful work over the last 18 years. This is the first revision of my Calm Critical Work Manifesto. I will revise it over time as it develops. Maybe you can use some of these principles in your own work…

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Stop Encouraging “Heroes” at Work and Encourage Processes

We encourage a frantic work culture rather than encourage building and maintaining work processes. How often do typical tasks become emergencies that require extra effort to meet the deadline? Then after the urgent deadline is met congratulations are given to the “heroes”. If it was a typical task, shouldn’t there be a process for it?…

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Addressing the Root Causes of Meeting Overload

I have too many meetings. Here are my thoughts on what is needed to reduce them and why there are so many. When deciding to set a meeting, the goal of that meeting should be determined. Then you should decide if the goal could be met through better means. Maybe it would be better as…

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Put An End to Email Ping Pong…Get on The Phone

Too often, I read email conversations that go back and forth many times. It is typically because the individuals communicating do not understand each other or they are having an indirect professional disagreement. There are other cases where a team member mentions that they are having trouble getting a response from someone, often someone outside…

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The Art of Confident Forecasting: A Blueprint for Engineers to Embrace Project Deadlines

Forecasting completion dates for projects can be a challenging task for engineers. While management expects them to provide these dates for accountability and coordination purposes, engineers often grapple with the inherent uncertainties and variables that could impact their ability to meet those deadlines. However, by adopting a systematic approach and implementing a few key strategies,…

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Improving Enterprise Software: Revolutionize Your Workflow and Stay Ahead of the Competition

In today’s competitive business landscape, knowledge work companies must embrace software solutions to stay ahead of the curve. Failure to effectively leverage software can result in being outpaced by competitors who excel in this area. Let’s delve deeper into the challenges faced by knowledge work companies in implementing enterprise software. Consider the typical scenario observed…

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Career Conversations

I discuss career plans with each of my team members at least two times a year. These conversations are usually awkward. Partly because we are engineers, and partly because of the many underlying expectations we feel we are not meeting. Our culture tells us we need to have a defined plan in life. Long-term goal…

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You are checking email too much at work

I have limited checking email to 1-2 times per day most of the time for 14 years. My stress level increases whenever I fall off the wagon and start checking email more often. When I tell others they should try this, they worry that they will miss something urgent. This has never happened to me.…

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We Are Under Seige

I feel like there is a siege on my house that I am losing. As much as I try, stuff keeps being catapulted over the walls (gifts, mail, toys, stuff that I am enticed into buying). It is a constant onslaught and I am losing ground against everyone who is trying to convince us to…

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Now It Is Gone, How Do We Keep It Out?

Now that we are getting rid of all of this junk I don’t want to collect it again. I don’t want to waste the money and I want to hold on to the freedom. We need to change our philosophy and stop operating on autopilot. We need a pattern interrupt. Here are some ideas: Regularly…

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What if We Lost Everything-What Would We Replace

What would we replace if we lost everything in a fire? Some clothes, our computers, our cars, some kitchen stuff…maybe the TV. Probably not the PlayStation. We would replace the things that we use every day. There would be so much that we wouldn’t replace. What would I not even notice that was missing? Imagine…

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My “Stuff” Addiction

  I need a separation from all of my stuff but I cannot get myself to leave this unhealthy relationship. As I write this I am sitting in my basement where most of our junk is stored. It is an effing mess but I can see the freedom at the end of the tunnel. I…

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I Feel Like I have Been Tricked Into Buying Things

I wonder if I have been tricked into buying a bunch of stuff that I don’t need. Companies spend billions of dollars a year to persuade us to buy things. Many of their methods use psychology and our natural tendencies against us. With the overwhelming psychological knowledge in their hands, do I even have chance?…

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Why Do I Continue To Collect All This Stuff?

I have been asking myself “why do I continue collected all this stuff?” while barely using most of it. A lot of it is junk that I don’t need. There are many possible reasons: I wanted something new, it made me feel good, I thought I needed it, I did not have any barriers to…

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