Starting a Movement

Last weekend, my wife and I did the Warrior Dash in St. Louis. This is one of the silly activities we do as a couple. To complete the warrior dash you have to crawl through mud which is about one and a half feet deep (it was super cold, the Run Ruckus in November will…

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Average Superhero

As I mentioned before,I am changing my branding.  The change is slow since I am trying to figure out all the details. One of the details is to have my wife more involved (it is just more fun this way). My wife and I have decided to redesign the brand around being a superhero that helps teach…

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Your Business is Leaving Money on the Table

This article is for those business owners who want to squeeze every dollar from their business.  One of the most overlooked parts of a business are the employees, especially in the large companies.  It is not as sexy as going after more sales (which is also important) but it is fundamental to have your whole…

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How to have fun at work

As I stated in my last post (click here), I am changing my brand a bit.  I still want to help you to reach higher levels of success, though the ultimate goal of success is to enjoy yourself more. My day job is in a corporate setting and am considered a professional (every once in a while).  I…

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I Don’t Know What To Do

Today I am going to use my blog like a journal.  Maybe you guys can give me some feedback. I want to make my coaching more substantial.  The problem is I talk about many different topics (you will see if you go through my past articles).  It is great that I have thoughts on many subjects,…

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go against convention

I am going to stop using the phrase “common sense”.  We all have different backgrounds which makes what I call common different from what you call common.  I am going to start using “people need to think for themselves”. If people think for themselves then more information will be available for all of us to…

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Go Get Hurt

I’m injured.  It is difficult to walk around.  If you see me you will notice I limp.  I was hurt playing soccer while making a turn at full speed.  It was exciting and I don’t regret it. I am a goofball.  I act silly at work.  I change how I work because I want to…

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Faster email

This is another post in the easier email series. Now let’s make going through email faster.  You can set up filters in many email systems which will automatically send emails to specific folders without you handling them.  I have some filters which send unimportant emails directly to the trash and some filters which send minimally…

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Stop using your inbox as a to-do list

This is a continuation of my easier email series The next step in easier email is to stop using your inbox as a to-do list.  I know you have a ton of emails sitting there as a reminder or because the info is important.  I am willing to bet that you have forgotten many of those emails at the bottom…

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Email is Stupid

The video may be a bit offensive but I thought it was funny. This is the first in my easier email series. The easier you make something the more likely people will do it.  In many cases this works for the better.  iTunes made it really easy to buy music so more music is purchased. …

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You Had to Be There

I was watching Real Housewives with Andrea and one of the wives was upset with her clothing maker.  The housewife was trying to become a clothing designer but she had someone else make the clothing. She was frustrated with the clothing maker because they did not have the quality and standards she expected. Another day I…

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Do More With Less

Companies are always looking for ways to cut back, especially since the beginning of the recession.  You have probably been in the situation where someone was fired at your company and you had to pick up the slack.  Sometimes picking up the slack consists of constantly having more to do than you have time.  By the way,…

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Don’t Be a Bosshole

This post was inspired by my buddy James Dibben at He did a podcast (click here) discussing his thoughts on employee-manager relationships. His podcast has led me to consider my management style. I am new to being a manager. I try to apply everything I have learned about being a leader and mix it…

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3 Things That Chain You to The Assembly Line

In previous posts I have mentioned that many jobs tend toward the assembly line mentality. If you are working on the assembly line you are in a race to the bottom. There are other aspects of the assembly line mentality that make it harder to leave the assembly line. I used to think this way…

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How to Start a Mastermind Group

I am always preaching the value of a mastermind group. I assume that everyone knows what I mean and how to do it. After getting a lot of questions I have decided to explain what it is and how to build one. A mastermind group was a term coined by Napoleon Hill in his book…

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Go Break Some Rules

First, some upcoming news: I am going to be co-hosting a podcast called “Pursuing Your Calling” which should be released on Monday April 18th 2011. Last weekend my friend made an interesting statement. He pointed out that our grandparents generation was all about innovation. They made all the rule books and set up systems to…

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Don’t Let Fear Drive Your Decisions

First off, I have something to brag about. My family is debt free. We have been working on it since the Fall of 2007. It has been hard, but it is totally worth it. We are now able to build wealth and are not controlled by the banks. What would your life be like without…

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How the NFL Union Can Teach You To Make More Money

As many of you know, I am not a sports fan but the NFL strike is being discussed on many of the podcasts I listen to. One of the big questions coming out of this is “How do you negotiate on either side without being greedy?”. I do not have the answer, but I have…

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