Multi-Level Marketing Helped Me Find My Superpowers

I will forever be frustrated at people who attack something they do not understand. Consider multi-level marketing (MLM) or network marketing businesses. Many people have quite a negative view of these companies. These are legitimate business models which share a lot of similarities with the company you work for. In the past, there were businesses that…

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Super Customer Loyalty Series-Super Car Repair

I know a little bit about car repair but I don’t have much patience, time, or the tools for much of it. About a year ago Andrea was having trouble starting her car and it was beyond my ability to fix it. James Dibben recommended Spillman Auto Service which he used to take all of his business’s vehicles for repair.…

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Super Customer Loyalty Series-Super Home Sales

This is a continuation of the Super Customer Loyalty Series. My wife and I wanted to purchase a home in Tennessee in 2007. I began talking to friends and one recommended Susannah Dunn. The main thing that sold me was her willingness to jump right in and get dirty serving her customer. My friend, who recommended her, mentioned her…

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Super Customer Loyalty Series-Bad Bank

I was reviewing some notes and I found something referring back to a April 2011 Success Magazine article about customer loyalty by Erin Casey (pg 26 if you are looking). In rereading the article, I remembered why I made the note, I completely disagreed with one statement: “Customer loyalty isn’t dead, at the very least it is…

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Twitter is My Offensive Line

I want to do everything to the umpth degree. For example, when I subscribe to a blog I feel obligated to read every one and I feel bad if I don’t. To combat this I set boundaries to filter the information that is allowed to take up space in my life. Normally I become interested in…

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Superpowers at Work

As a superhero you need to be willing to make the world a better place. This includes where you work. If you don’t like something at work, don’t go back everyday wondering why someone doesn’t do something about it. You do something about it. Here is an example of something I want to change at…

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How Can a Cellphone Reduce Your Superpowers?

The cellphone can be similar to email. We use it to fight fires and avoid taking the time to solve the problems. I have always push back when my company wants me to get a cell phone. I understand the value; if there is a big problem I can be quickly available to help solve…

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I Do What I Want

I am continuing to make changes to this website. I feel that I am able to cover more varied topics since living intentionally can encompass so many situations. I want to share some of the things I am doing to live intentionally and share my thoughts about it. Also, I have so much experience in manufacturing and…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board:Become a Producer

My goal is to become a producer, creating things I can sell. They might be crappy but I will be pushing against my lizard brain (by the way, I need to avoid trying to waste time studying/learning). Part of this is working on my project every day and setting deadlines. Maybe it is my lizard brain…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board:Spending Money

I know one of the things holding me back is my unwillingness to spend money and my unwillingness to ask Andrea if she minds if we spend money on producing something in the business. This year I have asked her if i can spend $500. It can be on learning to grow the business or…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board:My Weakness

I think I have covered all of the background of me trying to get Andrea on board. I think I have finally gotten her to trust that I will not throw the family under the buss. My next step is to show her proof that I can make money in the business. I have a problem which…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board: Show Me The Money

I have wanted to start a business for a long time and even while Andrea and I were dating it came up in conversation. Once we got married I started talking to her about the possibilities and the things we had to do to get there. That is when I learned about the fear. I am…

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Putting One Foot in Front of The Other

  I update my hard work page (click here). I update this page about every 90 days. It is interesting to look back at what I put on there last time. I am happy to tell you that I accomplished everything on there. This leads me to think about hard work in general. Hard work…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board:The First Thing I Tried

When we got married, I first tried to get Andrea to go along with the Dave Ramsey plan. She was ready to stop being a college student and spend the money she worked so hard to earn. I had been paying down debt while I was waiting to get married so I was not on…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board:New Blog

I know I keep changing what I am doing with the blog but oh well, it is my blog. Have you ever wanted to get your spouse to go along with an idea but could not get them to come along? A thought keeps popping in my head about one spouse trying to get another…

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Vigilante Superhero

To be a superhero is to be a vigilante. All vigilantes fight tirelessly to correct the wrongs in the world. They are not PC and they are willing to get hurt and dirty fighting for what is right. They know not going to be easy. Are you willing to be a vigilante for your cause?…

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Increase Your Superpowers

We all have superpowers, but some of us never learn to use them. I am constantly learning how to use my superpowers (which is one of my superpowers) better and I am taking action to increase my superpowers. Maybe you should consider some of these activities to help improve your superpowers. Schedule time to focus on…

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Gift Giving Superhero

If you want to be a gift giving superhero, you need to do it right. We have made gift giving a very difficult thing in our culture. We make it into a contest and with a pop quiz at the end (did everybody get enough stuff, did someone get less than someone else, is everybody…

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You Have to Fight For What You Want

For some reason we are taught that we should subdue our own wants and needs for the those of others. I disagree. In your heart you know what is right, and I bet it aligns with what is right for the world. Think about any superhero, they see a wrong and it bothers them, and they use…

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Weakness in Strength

Every superhero has strengths and weaknesses, and many times they are the same. Yesterday I was taken down by my weakness. No, if I say it that way I am not taking responsibility for my actions. Nonetheless, my weakness came out because I was using one of my strengths at the wrong time. I am a very driven person,…

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