Hard Work Update 4/1/12

Things got a bit turned around between the last Hard Work update and this update. I was coaching for Pursuing Your Calling with Brent Green and Cindy Hirch and Brent’s life started changing in awesome ways. These changes made him decide  to pull back from the coaching so he could focus the more important changes to…

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Forced Sincerity Superpower

“Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary”~Mark Twain What means more, apologizing automatically or apologizing in opposition to your emotions? What is the point of an apology? Andrea and I sometimes argue. We get frustrated and disagree. Sometimes (most) it is my fault. Eventhough, I still want to argue. What if it wasn’t my fault? I still want…

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“I hate my job” Creates Road Rage

Have you ever gotten angry while driving? Was it on the way to work? I have. While driving to work every day I notice people cutting in and out of traffic, speeding up just to hit the breaks again. Everybody is in a hurry. Why don’t these people leave for work a little earlier? Could…

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No Free Coaching

I love helping people. I hate helping people that don’t do anything with what I give them. I have learned that giving things away for free rarely works. I have tried coaching for free (for learning) and I was stood up two times in a row by the same person. To combat this I put…

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You Are Not Greedy Enough

I have been considering the concept of greed and how it relates to some of the happenings over the last few years (banks failing, mortgages not being paid, Madoff, etc.). I argue that these people were not greedy enough. Take a look at someone like Madoff. If he was more interested in his needs over the…

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How to Learn a New Language

Over the last few years I have been growing an interist in learning new languages. I think it comes from my interest in building new relationships and I cannot do that as effectively when interacting with people who speak a differnt language. I have tried a few tools, and I am always looking for better ways to…

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How to Get a Job With One Phone Call

I was living in Knoxville, TN (in 2008) and was looking for a job in Kansas City, my home town. I found several companies I was interested in working for and began calling them. Notice I did not start by searching for open positions. I was called and asked if someone would talk to me about the…

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Watch Out for The Experts

Things are getting complicated. We have to rely on experts more now then before, and the need of people with specialized knowledge is growing. For example, it used to be that teenagers worked on their cars, but now they are so complicated that an expert technician is needed to do most of the work. Don’t get me…

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Do You Understand This Advertisement?

When I saw this advertisement I thought “how clever”, then I wondered how many people understand it. Being a chemical engineering nerd I know that Au is the atomic symbol for gold, but how many other people know it. This led me to think about advertising in general. If you are going to be advertising anything you…

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So You Want to Save Money?

I always knew what  restaurant.com was, but I did not pay much attention because I don’t want to get stuck spending money on things only because I have a coupon. A few weeks ago I had a friend give me the low down on how to use it. I first started at restaurant.com and found some restaurants which I…

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Dave Ramsey’s Plan Does Not Work For Everyone

Maybe this will get me some hate mail. Dave Ramsey‘s plan works great, but it does not always work for everybody…or does it. I want to use this topic to address thinking for yourself. Essentially Dave’s plan is a set of decisions that a person can make  which will help them to prosper. We use…

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How to Stay Positive

I am generally a very positive person but it takes work. It is easy to stay positive when everything is going well but when things go bad is a different story. One technique I use is to consider everything a learning experience. When something goes bad and I start to get upset I ask myself “what did…

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Nerding it up on Nanobots

I am going to nerd it up, so feel free to skip it if you like. I listen to a podcast where weird things are discussed and one of the topics they like to cover is The Singularity. The Singularity is projected to occur within the next 50 years based on the Moore’s Law. One of the key things that may…

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Get Rid of One Thing

Over the years I have been accumulating things. When I left school to move to Tennessee and when I left Tennessee to move back to Missouri a moving company took care of everything. It was so easy. About a year ago we had to move our own stuff. I decided we have too much crap. While having…

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Working With a VA

I am in the process of writing a workbook to help husbands communicate with their wives their want to start a business. I am great at regurgitating information, but I am not great at grammar, punctuation, etc. To help this, I hired a friend to review it for me. I learned a lot from this experience, and…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board: The Lizard Strikes Again

I have been working on my book, and I recently had a proofreader review it. I had some resistance to giving it to him but I knew it was my lizard brain. I was afraid of criticism.  The funny thing is that part of my day job is having my work reviewed, but for some…

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Super Customer Loyalty Series-Not So Super Waiter

I am always looking for the lesson to take away from a bad situation. This helps me find the positive in everything. Last Saturday Andrea, some friends, and I went out to Lidia’s. Andrea has been wanting to go for so long and she was super excited. The long and the short of it was…

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Global Warming is a Hoax…

Or maybe it isn’t. I bet this will get me some hate mail. I am going to use this topic to tackle critical thinking, statistics, and asking good questions. Warning, this post is huge. First is to tackle asking good questions. The key questions out there regarding global warming are: is the world getting warmer?…

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Getting Your Spouse On Board: Become Extraordinary

I have been thinking that I need to do something unique to stand out. All of the blogs I read are unique and interesting. Right now I feel mine is pretty blah. I cannot come up with an idea on my own. I completely overlooked asking Andrea what she thinks we should do. Maybe I…

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New Superpower, Remembering Names

Everyone always says “I am no good with names”. No one is; you have to work at it. If you don’t make an effort to remember names then you won’t. We think in pictures and sounds and not words. Also, in memorizing anything you have to make an effort. Next time you meet someone and…

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