Workout at Home- The Half Pushup

This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). This is the next step in the pushup series following the sissy pushups. Once you master them you can move to this one. Some of these steps may seem easy to you but they are all important to complete before moving onto the next step.

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How to Create a Great Resume

You need to write a resume, even if you are applying for a job which doesn’t require it. A resume helps you to develop a “brochure” of your skills. It takes time to make a good resume and I am not referring to the “tips and tricks” (i.e. special words etc) or proper grammar and punctuation. It…

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Workout at Home- The Sissy Pushup

This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). I am demonstrating how to do the sissy push-up. This one is next in the series of push-ups. How do you like how I have started doing the videos?  

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Workout at Home- The Incline Pushup

This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link).Here is the next step in the push-up workout. Once you mastered the wall push up you can move onto this one.

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You Need to Make Phone Calls to Find a Job

  It is time to start making phone calls to find people in each of those companies who you would potentially be working with. Before you start calling, you need to have a good set of questions ready. There is always a chance you could reach the person you are looking for on the first…

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Workout at Home- The Wall Pushup

This is from the convict conditioning workout program (affiliate link). Here is one of the excercises you can do at home. I got this from the Convict Conditioning book. Look at my review of the book here.

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How to Learn About the Company You Want to Work For

Now that you have a list of companies (link to previous post) where you could potentially work, you need to learn more about those companies. Choose 5 of those companies and begin searching for places to learn about them. I recommend searching through the following: Google Facebook Linkedin Glass Door Your local business journal You are trying…

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The Best Networking Tip Ever

Networking If you need a new job your network is the first place to begin your search. These are the people who trust you, like you, and they are the best people to help you find that next role. If you don’t already have a network it may be too late to try to start…

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How to Get Multiple Job Offers

  When searching for a new place to work you need to take action on several opportunities at a time or else you may be let down. What if you are super excited about a job and have been working for several weeks making resumes, interviewing, etc for it; then one day you receive an…

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Where to Find a Job You Like

Go to the video at the bottom first, the little girl is so cute. In the past, we looked for work at a place that was hiring. Not now, you have to take control of the situation if you want to feel secure in your job. You should find a place where you enjoy working…

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Non Boring Exercise Tabata Run for Tough Mudder Training   The run consists of: Min 1:00-5:00 Warm up jog Min 5:00-5:20 Run as hard as you can Min 5:20-5:30 Light jog Min 5:30-5:50 Run as hard as you can Min 5:50-6:00 Light jog Min 6:00-6:20 Run as hard as you can Min 6:20-6:30 Light jog Min 6:30-6:50 Run as hard as you can Min…

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Help Me I Hate My Job

In the previous post I talked about overcoming your job fears. Now it is time to take the next step to find the job you love. Now that you have overcome the fear You need to clearly define why you want to leave your current job. It has to be a strong reason because it…

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Top 5 Fears of Finding a New Job and How to Overcome Them

There are many reasons you want to get a new job; what is holding you back from looking? I don’t think it is kryptonite. Most likely a subtle fear keeping you from finding the work you love. Let’s dig into this, and see if you can overcome some of these fears and then you can…

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Increasing My Investing Superpowers

Lately I have been questioning my investing strategy. Up until now I have been following Dave Ramsey’s advice by investing in mutual funds. This has worked well, but I am wondering if there is a smarter way. A key idea in investing is that the investor should always understand what they are investing in. So…

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